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InfiniteECM for Banks

Application Integration

InfiniteECM provides full image enabling capabilities, thus adding imaging features to any database application running in windows environment, whether the application is developed using windows development tools like Visual Basic and Developer/2000, or it runs through a terminal emulator application, allowing the InfiniteECM to satisfy the needs of large crowd of GUI database application users.

Not only is InfiniteECM capable of enabling all windows-based database applications, it is also capable of communicating with all level one databases (Oracle, SQL Server, Ingress, Informix, Sybase) or even desktop databases such as MS-Access, FoxPro using certified ODBC drivers, facilitating it to increase the value of the original legacy application it enables indifferent of its scale, adding to InfiniteECM' credit of compatibility, flexibility and portability.

InfiniteECM uses the newfound technology of screen scrapping to enable database applications; this technology saves us from modifying the legacy application in any way. Thus InfiniteECM provides its powerful features as an additional credit added to the investment made in the original untouched database application.

Moreover InfiniteECM is equipped with a powerful technique of automatic indexing of captured images, which diminishes the need for the exhausting manual rendering and sorting of images and documents.

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